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What’s In Your….. Toothpaste???

Yep, I want to talk about toothpaste.  It's one of those everyday items that we use and most of us don't even think about it.  Kind of like soap. But you should think about it.... specifically, what is in it?  What the are active ingredients?  The inactive...

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Why I Can’t Be Healthy NOW???

I'm not a very patient person.   I don't want to spend an hour doing a workout. I  don't want to wait for my food to cook. I want to want what I want and I want it NOW! (yeah, you'll need to read that sentence again slowly in order to get it, because it's not a typo...

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This is NOT Medicine

I wanted to comment about something that I keep reading about: the FDA sending warning letters to essential oil companies. Why? Because I think there is an important a point to be made. I'm a pharmacist. My job is to sell medications to people to make them better.......

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