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Has this ever happened to you…. you are going about your day, getting things done when you suddenly realize that you are not only hungry, but you are starving!!!  It happens to me all the time.

So what do most people do? They reach for the quickest thing possible- usually a candy bar, chips or if you are out and about, a fast food joint.  None of these are healthy options nor are they part of living a healthy lifestyle.  Once in a while these are ok, but when when it starts happening more than once every few weeks, you really need to develop a proactive approach to these food emergencies.

I’ve talked about automating my life before and a food emergency is something that I’ve learned to deal with as part of my automation.  I always keep some type of healthy protein bar (one that is low in sugar and carbs) in my bag.  This allows me to eat it whenever I need it.  As a working mom, I tend to bring my lunch to work every day and everyday, I make sure to pack a few healthy snacks that may or may not be eaten.  The point is, however, that I am prepared in case a food emergency arises.

So what types of food can you pack on a daily basis?  It doesn’t need to be anything fancy or expensive.  Many people pack a small handful of nuts and seeds or yogurt or  fruit… or even beef jerky!  What is the best thing to pack?  That is up to you.  You need to do some detective work and find that out.  I know for me, I like to have things like an apple, bar or nuts because they don’t spoil or get smooshed easily.

So no more food emergencies.  Always carry a food emergency pack!


