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As a pharmacist who specializes in geriatrics, more specifically, the frail elderly, I am constantly reminded about what can happen to our bodies as we age.  I look at all the medications that my residents take for a variety of ailments and chronic illnesses.  At the root of many of these chronic diseases is a very simple fact:  poor nutrition choices, a lack of exercise and exposures to environmental toxins are key contributors.  The good news is, that each of us has the ability to change our long term health.

A lifetime accumulation of unhealthy choices (both consciously and unconsciously) will unfortunately lead to our “golden years” to not be quite so golden.

Of course, who thinks of that when you are in your 20’s?  I know I didn’t.  I didn’t even think of it in my 30’s. However, now that I’m in my mid 40’s, I’m noticing some changes in me and my friends.  Something starts happening in your forties…. That metabolism starts slowing down…some of us start becoming aware of our blood pressure or are being told that we are now “pre-diabetic”.  If you’re female, you have the added signs and symptoms of perimenopause.  YIKES!  What is going on?    And more importantly, what can I do???

This is where the Healthy Aging Lifestyle Program comes in. I’m so excited to partner with Tara Ballard of PrimeLifeFit on this 12 Week Program that will address the challenges we face as we get a little older – everything from dietary needs and specific exercise, to mindset and life changes. I truly believe that everyone deserves to not only feel happy in their body every single day, but also in their life. The two go hand in hand, and you really cannot have one without the other.

You can head over here to learn a bit more, and to also register for a free webinar Tara and I are hosting Wednesday night, 4/1/15,  at 7:30pm ET.

Regardless, I hope you will realize that it’s not too late to make changes so that you can thrive and not just survive as you age.  A healthy vibrant life is my wish for you.

