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Physical activity requires energy, which is produced either by one of two systems in the body:  the aerobic or anaerobic energy system.  Which system it uses depends on the intensity and duration of your workout.

What’s the difference? 

In an aerobic workout, your body delivers oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and muscles. During aerobic exercise, you use large muscle groups for a longer duration…these are your typical cardio workouts like swimming, cycling, running and brisk walking.

By contract, with an anaerobic workout, you exercise for short periods and your body does not need energy (oxygen) to work properly. Sprinting and weightlifting are  good examples of anaerobic exercise.

Which is more beneficial, Aerobic or Anaerobic Workouts?

Aerobic exercise enhances lung capacity and strengthens your heart and by doing this, it helps you sleep better and maintain healthy weight.

Anaerobic workouts improve your muscle strength, endurance, balance, and increases lean muscle mass. It also helps improve your bone density which is important for preventing osteoporosis.

Both types of workouts can improve glucose tolerance by affecting the insulin which causes a decrease in blood sugar levels.

Effects of Exercise on Hunger and Food Craving

Both aerobic and anaerobic exercises have an effect on hunger. Your hunger is controlled by two hormones – ghrelin and peptide YY. Grehlin spurs appetite, while peptide YY suppresses it. Aerobic and anaerobic exercises increase the amount of peptide YY in the body, causing a sense of satiety and fullness after a workout. However, aerobic exercise produces more peptide YY compared to anaerobic exercise.

Effects of Exercise on Hormones

While most of us work out mainly to burn out the extra calories, many people remain unaware that exercising causes our body to produce more hormones in the body. The levels and effects of the hormones depend on the intensity and duration of the exercise routine.
Some of the hormones secreted during exercise are:

  • Human growth hormone (HGH) is increased to help meet the demand for energy. It aids in making proteins that help build muscle mass.
  • Thyroxine, a thyroid hormone helps increase metabolic rate and facilitates fat loss.
  • Epinephrine (also known as adrenaline),  helps to increase the amount of blood being pumped out by your heart which makes you feel more energetic.

Exercising regularly helps us regulate hormones in our body that help us stay fit and healthy.

