by michelle | | Diet, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Uncategorized, Workouts, Your health
I recently had the chance to interview Tara Ballard, a self described “recovering run-a-holic/cardio queen” and fellow Metabolic Effect Personal Trainer. Her company, Prime Life Fit, focuses on aging youthfully. She states the following on her site...
by michelle | | Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Mindset, Uncategorized, Your health
I was reading an interesting nutrition article the other day about weight loss. It talked about all the types of food you should be incorporating as well as types of food to avoid. I found it really informative….. until I got to the section about...
by michelle | | Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Mindset, Uncategorized, Your health
Growing up I always heard about eating 3 meals a day which seemed obvious. But as I grew older and more involved with diabetes education, fitness and nutrition in general, 5 meals a day became the “best” way to eat. But is it really better? The short...
by michelle | | Healthy Lifestyle, Mindset, Uncategorized, Your health
Hypothyroidism….. adrenal fatigue…. two conditions that I’ve been hearing about lately. Not just from my professional resources, but from clients. I don’t know if its the age of the people I’m working with or if there is an increase in...
by michelle | | Diet, family, Healthy Lifestyle, Mindset, Uncategorized, Your health
Failing to plan, is planning to fail. I’m sure you’ve heard that before. Every time I hear it (or read it), I’m reminded of how much truth there is to it, especially as it relates to eating healthy. Choosing healthy foods all the time can be...
by michelle | | Diet, Fitness, Healthy Lifestyle, Mindset, Uncategorized, Your health
The truth is hard. It’s always easier to come up with excuses, lies or even turning a blind eye, but it is always better to tell the truth and be honest with yourself. This is the first rule when it comes to your own transformation. … I look back on...