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I was talking with a coworker the other day who is a fitness fanatic.  She loves the extreme workouts (P90X, Insanity, etc) and thinks that she eats a healthy diet.  But here she was, again complaining about how her pants are too snug now and she keeps gaining weight (about 7 pounds over the last 6 months).

“What am I suppose to do?  Why can’t I lose the weight?”

Does this sound like you?  You think that you are doing everything right, but your weight isn’t changing.

One big reason why this could be happening is her diet.  I asked her to tell me what a typical day looks like in terms of her diet.  Everything was healthy…fish, lots of veggies and fruit.

The problem that we discovered was her portion size.  Healthy food is not fat loss food, especially if you eat too much of it.

In addition to decreasing portion size, I suggested that she eat more frequently (every 3-4 hours) so that she continually feeds her body.  I also suggested that she significantly decrease her carbohydrate intake with each meal.  Keeping her carbohydrate intake to no more than 15 bites can help because the body tends to store this as fat, more so than protein.

If you are having a similar issue, try decreasing your portion size, eat more frequently and decrease the amount of carbohydrate you eat.

