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There is a common misconception out there, that weight loss is the same as fat loss.  While there may be some fat loss when you lose weight, there are few things that you need to keep in mind.body-composition

But first let’s start with some definitions.

Weight loss is a term that we can all understand.  At some point in our lives, we have said “I need to lose some weight”.  What do we mean by this?  Usually it simply means that we want the number on the scale to go down.  The easiest way to do this is to simply decrease the number of calories that you are consuming.  I know, easier said than done.  But the point is, that it really is that simple: if you take in less calories, then you will lose weight.  The important point to realize however, is that this weight includes not just extra fat that you might be carrying, but also any water and muscle that you may have.

To illustrate this, think of a person who is a pear shape, but overweight.  This person goes on a diet, and loses lots of weight.  While that is a good thing in terms of over all health, their shape remains as a pear- it’s just that now, they are a squishy pear.

Many of the weight loss programs out there are based on the weight loss principle related to decreasing the number of calories.  The problem however, is that as long as you limit your calories, you will lose weight, but as soon as you get off track, the weight comes back on – and it usually does so with a vengeance.  You’ve now not only regained the weight, but gained even more weight. Has that every happened to you?  I know it has for me 🙁

These types of weight loss programs are usually not sustainable for a few reasons:

1.) Unless money is no object, all those pre-made meals, bars and supplements get expensive!

2.) Do you really want to calorie restrict yourself for the rest of your life?

3.) The very low calorie diets can permanently damage your metabolism which is what causes you to regain even more weight.

These well-known programs have been hugely successful for some people and that’s awesome.  But it’s not for everyone.

So why is fat loss different that weight loss?  Fat loss means that you lose fat, but build & keep muscle.  The key point is that the scale may not change.  Why?  Because the fat has been burned off and replaced by lean muscle and muscle weighs more than fat.  Bottom line though, it means that you are changing your body composition.  This is what most people really want in the end.  Not simply a smaller number on the scale.

Attaining (and maintaining) fat loss is where exercise comes into play.  Changing your body composition cannot be done with diet alone.  Yes, diet does play a big role, but so does exercise.  This is the piece of the puzzle that is missing in most weight loss programs.  Muscle burns more calories than fat.  Muscle takes up less physical space than fat.  The important thing to realize however, is that simply exercising will not make you lose fat.  It is a combination of a healthy diet and a regular exercise routine that will produce the body composition that we are striving for.

So let me ask you, do you simply want weight loss or is it fat loss that you are really after?

