by michelle | | Diet, family, Healthy Lifestyle, Recipes, Your health
Would you believe that I never cooked with garlic until I was almost 30 years old? I’ll admit that I was not a good cook… I would make food, but I definitely wasn’t a cook. Fortunately for my family, I became a cook and I discovered the magical...
by michelle | | Detox, Dietary Supplements, family, Healthy Lifestyle, Medications, Toxic Products, Your health
Essentials oils are AMAZING! You’ve probably heard about them by now. You may have even read my posts about them. What you may not know though, is that they CAN hurt you because they are NOT benign. The harm that they can cause has nothing to do with the...
by michelle | | Uncategorized
Cardamon has been used for centuries as a spice for cooking and healing and throughout history it has been one of the world’s most expensive spices. Many know this spice from culinary creations from India, Iran, Morocco and Arab nations. I first discovered it...
by michelle | | Uncategorized
It’s allergy season! But if you suffer from seasonal allergies, you already knew that because you’ve been taking anti-histamines to calm down your immune system. This over active state of our immune system is stressful to our bodies, and we know how...
by michelle | | Detox, Diet, Healthy Lifestyle, Recipes, Toxic Products, Your health
First off, let me start by saying that 1.) I am no longer a vegan 2.) This is not a judgement for or against those who chose to be I went through a period early in my own health journey where EVERYTHING I read, heard & saw about “health” was the...